Dominic Culver’s Homepage

Email Address: dominic period culver at gmail dot com

Welcome to my homepage! Here you will find some information about me and some of the things I have worked on. If anything here piques your interest, please feel free to reach out!

About Me

I am a mathematician by training and I got my PhD in 2017 from the University of Notre Dame. I then went on to do postdocs first at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and then another postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn Germany. My mathematical research interests were all within stable homotopy theory, and I was particularly interested in using ideas around elliptic curves and modular forms to understand complex structures in the stable homotopy groups of spheres.

In 2023, I decided to take the leap and transition into tech. I worked at an early legal AI startup for a year and half where I learned a lot of cool things about software and LLMs. My current interests are around ML and AI broadly, and NLP and LLMs more specifically. I am interested in building new and exciting things with these technologies while also using mathematical background to better understand LLMs in theory.

I am currently looking for new opportunities which utilize my mathematical and research background and within AI/ML. I am also always happy to collaborate or discuss research ideas, please feel free to peruse my website and reach out!