Math 347 - Fall 2017

Fundamental Mathematics


Dominic Culver (dculver at illinois dot edu)
327 Illini
Office hours: Wednesday 1-2 pm.

Time and Place

Section D1 at MWF 11:00-11:50am in 140 HENRY ADMINISTRATION BLDG
Section X2 at MWF 12:00-12:50pm in 441 ALTGELD

Course info

The goal of this class is develop the necessary tools and skills to read and write mathematical proofs and to effectively communicate mathematics.

The syllabus can be found here.


There will be two midterms and a final exam on the material covered in the lectures. Our midterm exams will be held in class. Our final exam will be scheduled by the registrar's office and I will let you know once it is scheduled. If you make travel arrangements before the final exam is scheduled, you should assume that the final will be held on the last day of the final exam period.

Exam 1: October 4
Exam 2: November 8
Final Exam: TBA

Homework Guidelines

Mathematics (and problem solving in general) is a collaborative discipline. You are strongly encouraged to work in groups and to discuss homework problems with your classmates. However, you must write-up the solution on your own and it must be in your own words. Anything else is plagerism and will be treated as such.

Your solution needs to be complete and correct (of course!), but to recieve full credit your write-up should also meet the following criteria.

I highly suggest that you write up your solution sets using the typsetting program LaTeX. If you are a newbie to LaTeX, you may find the following resources compiled by Agnes Beaudry useful: LaTeX resources


Homework is due at the beginning of class. Late homework will not be accepted under any circumstances, however your lowest homework scores will be dropped.

Homework 1 (due 9/11)
Homework 2 (due 9/18)
Homework 3 (due 9/25)
Homework 4 (due Oct 2)
Homework 5 (due Oct 16)
Homework 6 (due Oct 23)
Homework 7 (due Oct 30)
Homework 8 (due Nov 6)
Homework 9 (due Nov 13)
Homework 10 (due Dec 4)
Homework 11 (due Dec 11)